Forklift Tyne Guide
Forklift forks often referred to as tynes (tines) are an integral part of every forklift.
They are used to support, lift and carry all loads.
Ensuring that your forklifts tynes are in good condition and correctly rated to lift a desired load is integral to worker safety.
In this guide we explain common tyne terminology, discuss the different types of tynes available and provide some operating safety tips.
Common Forklift Tyne Terminology
The diagram below labels and defines the parts of a forklift tyne.
- Blade: the horizontal part of the tyne that supports and lifts the load
- Tip: the end of the tyne blade that is inserted into the pallet when lifting a load
- Shank: the vertical part of the tyne
- Heel: the intersection point of the blade and shank
- Hook: hooks attached to the shank that support the tynes on the forklift
- Locking Pins: positioned on the top of the hooks, used to position and secure the tynes to the forklift carriage
- Taper: the difference in tyne thickness from the heel (thickest part) to the tip (thinnest part)

How to Read Forklift Tyne Dimensions
Forklift tyne dimensions are normally provided as width (W) x thickness (T) x length (L) alongside their class.
A tynes class is determined by combining the class of forklift truck and the fork drop.
The diagram below shows the main dimensions of forklift tynes.
- Carriage Plate Height ©: tynes are mounted on a forklift carriage
- Fork Drop (D): measurement from the top of the lower hook to the floor
- Length of fork (L): measurement from the end of the tip to the shank. Length can be given in mm or inches – common lengths are 1,219mm, 1,829mm and 2,438mm
- Width (W): width measurement from the widest point of the tyne
- Thickness (T): measurement of the thickness of the tyne shank
- Spread: measurement of the width between the tynes from outside edge to outside edge

Types of Forklift Tynes
Forklift tynes are most commonly manufactured out of tough steel, this is used due to its toughness and how they maintain high tensile strength during forging.
Some of the most common types of forklift tynes are described below.
Hook Tynes
The most common mounting method for tynes is via hook.
The tynes are slid onto the forklift carriage sideways and are locked in place with a spring loaded pin.

Pin Type & Bar Type
The tynes have a guide and are attached to a shaft.
Often found on larger high capacity forklifts and construction machines such as telehandlers.
Drum Handling Tynes
Tynes that have a section cut out of the side of the forks to enable a drum to be lifted.
Coil Handling Tynes
Inside edge of the tynes are “chamfered” to provide a surface for the coil to sit on.
Explosion Proof
For forklifts that are being operated in explosive environments then the tynes are clad in stainless steel to prevent sparking.
Food and Beverage Industry
Forklifts that are used in the food industry are typically clad in stainless steel as they are regularly washed down to maintain cleanliness to adhere to strict hygiene standards.
Lumber Tynes
Tynes that have a thin and wide blade for ease when inserting into loads of timber lengths.
Forklift Tyne Safety Tips
Below are some common safety tips to ensure your forklift tynes are in good condition to properly support and safely lift full loads.
Visual Inspections
At the beginning of a shift or before use conduct a visual inspection
- Check for any tyne damage
- Make sure the tynes are in the correct position and secured with their locking pins
- Inspect for wear at the heel of the fork – if the original thickness has been worn by 10% or more do not use the tynes as they need to be replaced (At 10% of wear a tynes load capacity is reduced by 20%)
Know Your Tynes Rated Capacity
Make sure the load you are attempting to lift is within the forklift and its tynes safe rated capacity.
Do not attempt to overload a forklift as this can adversely affect the units stability and lead to serious injury or fatality were it to tip over.
Ensure Load Weight is Distributed Evenly
Always insert and use both tynes to lift a load, distributing weight unevenly over an individual tyne can negatively affect a forklifts stability heightening the chances of it tipping over sideways and causing injury or damage to the load.
It is also imperative that the load sits flush up against the forklift backrest again to enhance stability and not have the forklift tip forwards.
Do Not Transport People
Tynes are designed to safely lift palletised and similar loads, they must NOT be used to transport people
Only Use Qualified Service Technicians
For all tyne servicing, repair, replacements or modifications must be completed by a trained and experience forklift service technician.
Maintain Tyne Integrity
Do not weld or drill any holes into tynes as this will weaken their structural integrity increasing the chances they will break under the weight of a load.

In this week’s we’ve provided described the common terminology of forklift tynes and some of the different types of tynes available whilst also providing some tyne safety tips.
Are you looking for a new pair of standard forklift tynes then view our online special via the Adaptalift Store.
We’re also able to supply a wide variety of different sized standard and specialist tynes for all major forklift brands, contact one of our sales experts who will be able to specify and order the correct new tynes for your application on 13 22 54 or submit an online enquiry via our website.
With workshops in most capital cities and a fleet of over 200 highly experienced and skilled mobile service technicians, Adaptalift Group are also able to handle the replacement, repair and customisation of all forklift tynes.